More information
Since the Swandro excavation is an ongoing project, the final publication is still some way away, but each year we produce an entry for inclusion in Discovery and Excavation in Scotland (DES). We have collated the 2010 to 2019 entries into one document for download, along with some background information about our work, but you may also read them, along with subsequent DES entries, here on the website. The interim report for the Gateway to the Atlantic Project, some data structure reports (DSR) and Dr Alison Sheridan's specialist report on an interesting jet-like bead may also be downloaded below.
In 2024 we produced A Race Against Time the Story of Swandro for the Rousay Egilsay and Wyre Heritage SCIO, and by the kind permission of the latter this may be downloaded below.
We post a daily dig diary when we're excavating, with periodic updates throughout the year, and you can be the first to hear of new developments if you subscribe to our email newsletter.