Only 72 hours to go before the team arrive on site to start the 2018 dig, a frantic day of activity finishing loading of the big site trailer & getting it over to Rousay on the boat. Hoped for a bonny day but it was definitely full waterproof & much sogginess.
Got down to site safely then spent a while attempting to level said trailer in a what seems to be one of the least flat areas of Rousay - much reversing back & forth attempting to find a patch where both sets of wheels were reasonably level. Managed it in the end and amazingly both of us were still speaking to each other despite wet feet & lack of cups of tea:
We also set up our brand new 'Welcome to Swandro' banner with an aerial pic of the site, which was interesting to say the least with a slippy path & gusty wind catching it at inopportune moments. Lots of guy ropes & sandbags later it is (hopefully) secure - crossed fingers that it's still there on Monday morning.
Apologies for the blurry picture - we were pushed for time for the boat home - in true islander fashion we made the boat just as they were loading with about a minute to spare. Now to do it all again on Monday with the next trailer!