Final big site photo clean today followed by the usual frustrating wait for enough cloud cover to take the photos without shadows, eventually clouds happened by and Steve managed to get the shots:

We were concentrating so much on looking at the sky for clouds that the roaming flock of sheep that periodically wander through the site (leaving hoofprints and other little presents) had taken advantage of our distraction to sneak up on us, luckily we spotted them just in time to shepherd them gently away:

Michal meanwhile took the time to catch up on some data entry:

And Talia was hard at it in the finds hut packing up all the finds for their journey back to Bradford for further analysis:

It's now our weekend and the team have headed off to a party followed by a quiz night in the pub, back on site on Sunday for a bit of last minute digging before putting the site to bed until next year.