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Quernstones & fond farewells

After weeks of trying, Keith has finally nailed it - star find of the day with this mint condition rotary quern stone from the roundhouse, slightly hard to see in the pic as it was a bright sunny day and it's still in situ:

I'll get you some better shots after it's been lifted and cleaned, wonder where the other stone is? This was found right next to a stone tank, an anvil stone and what looks like a little oven, so obviously a lot of processes going on in the same area.

Everywhere else on site a massive photo clean was underway, I do like the shots where the tide's in as it really brings home just how close we are to the sea and to the whole site being lost:

Alan finished his bit of the photo clean ahead of the rest and so took some time out to continue to illustrate some of the finds working in the planning trailer:

That's one of our old kitchen chairs he sitting on - bought over 20 years ago at the Orkney Auction Mart's furniture sale, 4 chairs for £1, did us for a good 12 years until we could afford something better, but we kept them anyway as too good to burn and they're now our finds and planning hut chairs and still going strong. We don't waste money on fripperies here!

Bit of a sad day on site though as it was both Jackie and Karla's last day with us before heading back to their real lives. Jackie managed to lift her pig's head before she left, it's already identified as an elderly female by Julie:

Karla is away back to the USA, hopefully they won't cancel her flight, strand her in London and lose her luggage on the way home as they did on the way here:

We'll miss them both but hopefully they'll be back next year, clever of them to have left before we had to start the heavy duty stone hoicking necessary to backfill and protect the site over the winter!


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