Star find of the day goes to the sharp-eyed Jake for this copper alloy object:

No sooner had it been photographed than Alan pinged the photo over to our old friend Fraser Hunter of the National Museums Scotland, who was kind enough to give us his preliminary opinion. Fraser suggested it might be a Roman Iron Age belt hook, one end of which would link to the strap and the other slots into a hole in the belt, and was going to check up on possible Northern Isles examples and get back to us, but he noted that there were parallels from Culduthel in both iron and copper alloy. Here's the other side:

And here it is in sideways view:

A nice start to the day and everything else was a bit of an anti climax after that. Gina did make a valiant attempt with her strangely notched worked stone, but even her bright pink jacket wasn't enough to bump Jake off the top spot:

We had started the day with a bit of photography as the wind had dropped enough to get the drone up, and I definitly think that graceful pose of the day goes to Alice, for safely guiding the drone home:

Finally Michal was pleased to be able to show everyone the amazing 3-D images he'd created from his session with the camera on a pole after being taught how to do it by our photogrammetry supremo Lindsey Kemp. These models are way too big to load onto here, but Lindsey has his very own Sketchfab Page with some of his 3-D site images and also a 3-D scan of the anvil from our smithy with the smiths handprints, all of which are well worth a look and further images will be uploaded in due course. Huge thanks to Lindsey for permission to share this with you all and for all his hard work in putting them together.