Getting organised for the start of the 2018 dig tomorrow so this is the last Not-the-dig diary entry for a while - we're into the dig diary proper - yippee!!! Steve & Julie & students made a mass trip to Kirkwall to a well-known supermarket to stock up on vital supplies, but when they got back to Tingwall pier they found all these lovely gifts to the diggers from friend of the dig Andrew Appleby - thanks Andrew!!
All very healthy and sure to keep the diggers in tip top condition.
Your humble diarist was also over in Rousay taking the second of the Swandro trailers over - thanks to Hrolf the Eynhallow's skipper for reversing it onto the boat for me!
There should be some photos but I've haven't yet joined the 21st century & although had remembered my mobile it doesn't take photos & I forgot the camera. Mobile came in handy when I couldn't unhitch the trailer on my own - phone call to the Taversoe for help resulted in my knight in shining armour - Greg who's going to be supervising but was showing his mum around Rousay. Soon got it sorted & suitably propped up.
Was putting the finishing touches to our banner stand - bunting wrapped around the guy ropes to stop people tripping over it - when a very nice couple with several labradors came by - I did a quick site tour & they very kindly made our first donation of the season! All in all a good if a bit frantic day.