We need your help fund the Swandro Excavation
Swandro is a unique opportunity to totally excavate an undisturbed Neolithic chambered tomb using modern scientific methods, but the sea continues to destroy the site and the erosion edge is now perilously close to the burial chamber. The 2018 excavation showed that there is a complex sequence of later Iron Age buildings constructed in and around the chambered tomb mound, including a massive Iron age roundhouse which formed the focus of our 2019 excavation, as the later buildings have to be recorded and excavated before we can excavate the tomb itself. The 2020 and 2021 seasons were lost due to Covid restrictions, but work continued in 2022 and 2023. The results of the 2024 season will be added in due course, but you may follow these on our site blog.
We need to fund 8-week seasons in the future to have any chance at all of completing the excavation before the sea swallows the site. Our main source of funding for the dig is from public donations, and the excavation cannot continue without your support - please help!
US taxpayers wishing to make a US tax-deductible donation please click here for more information
For more information on what we do with the money you kindly donate please click here.
Thank you for your support!

The entrance passageway to the chambered tomb at Swandro, the figure in the checked shirt is sitting roughly over where the main burial chamber lies, with the slope of the beach running down to the left