It was our Open Day today, which meant that several of the team transmogrified themselves from diggers into Vikings and Iron Age folk, stationed in the middle of the Viking/Norse longhouse which sits on the shoulder of the main mound at Swandro.

Lindsey was on hand with some of the 3-D printed models of his photogrammetry images, he's working on these in his spare time and they aren't finished yet, still a work in progress but the detail on them is amazing:

This one is the main trench that we have open this year, when it's finished everything will be painted in appropriate colours so will stand out even more:

The grey models on the right are how they come out of the printer, then they need carefully painting to bring out the detail, the one one the left is of Midhowe broch:

Digging was carrying on elsewhere on site, with the quern stone from Structure 5 lifted today and unceremoniously removed from site sitting on a couple of sandbags in a wheelbarrow:

Tom and Michal were busy over the weekend with the good weather on Friday providing the perfect opportunity to laser scan the site when there were no diggers to get in the way:

Tom also got the chance to fly one of his many drones

And just to prove that Michal was trusted to use the very expensive scanning equipment:

Meanwhile over at Swandro HQ the good weather meant that Dave could set up the flotation tank outside for a change and process some of the environmental samples.

He's even built a nifty drying stand for the flots in the shed, well out of dog reach:

All in all a busy day for everyone, back to normal tomorrow and hope the good weather lasts a bit longer.