Star find today is this bone tool, pointed at one end and spatula like at the other end, so maybe one end for decorating pottery and the other end for rubbing out your mistakes, but it is very thin bone and you'd think it would snap quite easily if you put too much pressure on it:

This was found by our newest volunteer Logan on his second day on site, he was digging today after spending all of his first day filling sandbags so this bone point was a nice reward for him. He's using his spare time between finishing his Masters and starting his PhD, which appropriately enough is on coastal erosion and its effects on archaeological heritage, with special focus on the Westness area of Rousay. He certainly was very pleased with his find:

Maybe we should do a league table of who looked happiest with their star finds, maybe star grins of the day or something similar.
At least the wind has dropped today and surprisingly the midges didn't seem to be around much, or maybe they just got blasted away over the hill yesterday. It certainly made for a pleasanter time on site for everyone:

After her major bone pin fest yesterday Jackie had a much quieter day with her hearths in structure 6, with just the odd bit of pottery to liven up her sample taking. It was also much easier to hold the prism for the total station steady today:

Back on site in the morning to do a series of final site photos with the drone, which means more photo cleaning, a bit earlier than we usually would but the weather forecast for early next week is currently showing winds too strong to fly the drone.