After another day's hard labour that's our backfilling finished and all the stone and sandbags in place to (hopefully) protect the site through the winter storms until we can get back there next year:

Here at Team Swandro we would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who's helped to make the 2018 dig a success. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the landowners, Russell and Kathryn Marwick, who have unfailingly supported us since the start of the project. We would also like to thank the people of Rousay, especially Kirsty Mainland for sponsoring our leaflets; to Robert Mainland for the loan of his water cube; to Carey, Carol & Paddy Maguire at the Taversoe Hotel for feeding and generally looking after the students so well; Richard Tipper for transport services; to the crew of the Eynhallow for putting up with us all summer and to Andrew Appleby for the doughnuts.
Thank you also to everyone who visited the dig during our six weeks on site, or came to on of our special events, and followed our progress on this dig diary or social media - your support and interest is very much appreciated.
Last but not least we would like to say a final thank you to all the students and volunteers who took part in this years dig, most of whom are already plotting their return next year:

We are hoping to have an eight week season in 2019 and will be announcing our dates as soon as possible, subject of as usual to obtaining funding. Until then you can still follow our Not-the-dig-diary entries for updates on the site and finds over the winter, as well as the build up to our 2019 season. Until then so long and thank you!
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